Website The Factory Theater
The Factory Theater is seeking actors for both main cast and understudy roles for The Curious Circumstances of Louis Le Prince written by Chase Wheaton-Werle and directed by Becca Holloway. We are seeking actors of all sizes, ethnicities, abilities, and gender identities to submit. All roles are open ethnicity and age and while some roles currently fall within the binary, we encourage all actors to submit for the roles they are most interested in regardless of gender.
Show Description: On September 16, 1890, inventor Louis Le Prince boarded a train bound for Paris in preparation for a visit to the United States to demonstrate his single-lens motion picture camera. He never reached his destination. Seven years later, it falls to his widow and son to investigate his disappearance and fight for his legacy in this amazing story based on true events.
Material to Prepare:
Please send your headshot and resume to casting@thefactorytheater.com and sides/directives will be provided.
Time Commitment:
Brush Up Rehearsals-06/10/25-06/11/25
Final Preview-06/12/25
Understudy Performance-07/06/25
Rehearsals will be Monday-Wednesday evenings from 7-10 PM, Saturdays from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, & Sundays from 10:00 AM-1:00 PM.
Performances are Fridays & Saturdays at 8 and Sundays at 3.
Character Type/Restrictions:
All actors will be performing in some form of a dialect (there will be a dialect coach utilized during the rehearsal process). If a particular dialect is not listed next to a character, then a Transatlantic accent will most likely be used. Please note that we may use both internal and external understudies.
**There will be a guaranteed understudy performance**
Track 1 - Adolphe (20s-30s, any gender, any race)
Wary and skeptical, with a chip on his shoulder. Long ago gave up hope of seeing his father again. Does not want him or his family to be defined by their tragedy.
Track 2 - Lizzie (Montage: Wife 1, Lady, Actor 2) [40s-50s, woman, any race, British RP]
Resolute in her convictions. Some might say to the point of delusion. She will not stop looking for her husband until every possible avenue has been exhausted.
Track 3 - Seward, Edison [50s-60s, white, man]
(Seward) Louis's patent lawyer. Compassionate. Knowledgeable. A stickler for the rules. || (Edison) Celebrity inventor. Charming. Boisterous. Hyperbolic. Shrewd. Obsessed with his name and his public image.
Track 4 - Louis, Albert (Montage: Gentleman 1, Husband 2, Reporter 3, Businessman 3) [40s, man, any race, French dialect]
Brilliant engineer, artist, chemist, renaissance man. Consumed by his work, even more so with paranoia. Gradually losing sight of his family the more he dives into work.
Track 5 - John, Page (Montage: Wife 2, Newsboy)
(John) Louis's brother-in-law. A constantly upbeat businessman. No sides. || (Page) Charismatic. Quick-tongued. Anxious. The underdog lawyer against Edison.
Track 6 - Longley, Higginbotham, Receptioniste, Dickson [any age, woman, any race, British (northern?), French]
(Higginbotham) The daughter of Louis's landlady. Chatty. Indulges in the morbid. || (Receptioniste) Apathetic. Standoffish. The ultimate bureacrat. || (Dickson) A photographer who worked under Edison. A brilliant engineer in his own right. Worked long enough with Edison to call him out on his bull.
Track 7 - Mason, Dougan, Tate (Montage: Husband 1, Reporter 2, Gentleman 2)
(Mason) A workingman engineer under Louis. Chummy. Cheery. Sweet. || (Dougan) A French detective. His competency is unclear. || (Tate) Edison's right hand man. The yes-man. The gopher. Eager to please his boss.
Track 8 - Dockhand, Richard, Dyer, Morgan (Montage: Reporter 1, Gentleman 3, Barker, Businessman 2)
(Richard) A British banker and Freemason, friend of Louis. Melodramatic. Conspiratorial. || (Dyer) Edison's lawyer and secret weapon. A legal bulldog. Brutal and merciless. || (JP Morgan) One of the richest men in America. Probably the only person Edison has to work to impress.
To apply for this job email your details to casting@thefactorytheater.com