Twelfth Night: Or What You Will

  • Equity
  • Non-Equity
  • Anywhere

Website Oak Park Festival Theatre

Bringing distinct, timeless theatre to Oak Park since 1975.

Pay Rate: Equity minimum at $300 a week. $2,000 stipend for Non-Equity.
Audition Date and Time: February 1st (EPA 10 am - 6 pm), February 2nd (Non-Equity 10 am - 6 pm)
Audition Location: Cheney Mansion in Oak Park, IL
Contact Person Email:

Thank you for your interest in Oak Park Festival Theatre’s 2025 season!  We would love to see you at our auditions.  More information is listed below:

Twelfth Night, Or What You Will
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Peter G Andersen

Runs: July 5th – August 16th, 2025

Audition Information
Please prepare one classical monologue between 2-3 minutes in length.  If auditioning in person, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.

We will host two days of auditions on February 1st and 2nd at Cheney Mansion in Oak Park; each from 10:00 AM-6:00 PM.  We are attempting to go fully paperless with our auditions.  In order to do this, we ask all actors to fill out their forms on our actor database, and our twelfth night specific database. Please read instructions carefully below for guidance:

Producing-Artistic Director Peter Andersen will be in the room.  There will also be OPFT Company members in the audition room as well as greeting you at the door.

EPA on February 1st: 
February 1st is an EPA and AEA members can sign up for a slot through actor’s equity for a time slot.  Non-AEA actors are welcome and encouraged to ‘crash’ the audition.  We ask Equity and Non Equity actors to please first fill out our General actors’ database form found: HERE, and then secondly fill out the Twelfth Night Form found: HERE.

In Person Non Equity Audition on February 2nd:
Sunday February 2nd will be auditions for non equity actors.  In order to secure a slot please first fill out our General actors’ database form found: HERE, and then secondly fill out the Twelfth Night Form found: HERE.  You do not need to submit a video if you are planning on attending in person.  In addition to that, secure a time slot on the sign up genius link found HERE.

Digital Submission: 
For those who cannot attend in person they are welcome to submit a digital audition.  Digital submissions will be accepted no later than February 2nd.  To submit a digital submission please first fill out our General actors’ database form found: HERE, and then secondly fill out the Twelfth Night Form found: HERE.  Please make sure you submit your video link

To Review:
Step One: Fill out Actor Database Form
Step Two: Fill out Twelfth Night Audition Form
Step Three:
(If Digital): Add your digital audition to the Twelfth Night Audition Form
(If in Person): Complete Steps One and Two, and if Non-Equity, fill out Sign up Genius Form.

Please direct all questions to:

Material to Prepare:

Please prepare one classical monologue between 2-3 minutes in length.  If auditioning in person, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.

Time Commitment:

Rehearsals: June 3-June 22; Opening: July 5; Closing August 16. Performances Thursdays-Sundays (and every other Wednesday)

Character Type/Restrictions:

Viola – a shipwrecked young woman who disguises herself as a page named Cesario
Sebastian – Viola’s twin brother
Duke Orsino – Duke of Illyria
Olivia – a wealthy countess
Malvolio – steward in Olivia’s household
Maria – Olivia’s gentlewoman
Sir Toby Belch – Olivia’s uncle
Sir Andrew Aguecheek – a friend of Sir Toby
Feste – Olivia’s servant, a jester
Fabian – a servant in Olivia’s household
Antonio – a sea captain and friend to Sebastian
Valentine and Curio – gentlemen attending on the Duke
A Sea Captain – a friend to Viola

To apply for this job please visit