Website Lazy Susan Theatre Company
‘Spring Awakenings’ Auditions
Written by Frank Wedekind
Translated from German by Francis J. Ziegler.
Directed and Adapted by Matthew Masino
Complete the audition form here: https://forms.gle/rcyeioBjaXJAgmvs9
Schedule your audition here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/appointments/schedules/AcZssZ1zrSMdFv0x6CBTBgCDdDJMB-NTmormlOCS8W-dX76gi6sMoyuaZ7qrMbjXWj7LaAYffx0PJtk3
Synopsis of the play:
In a world where curiosity is stifled and questions are met with silence, a group of teenagers finds themselves thrust into the chaos of adolescence without a guide. Melchior, an intellectual rebel; Wendla, an inquisitive girl; and Moritz, a boy burdened by academic pressures—grapple with their budding desires and the harsh realities of growing up in a society that refuses to provide answers. When it first premiered in 1906, Frank Wedekind’s Spring Awakening ignited scandal and censorship with its daring exploration of sexuality and rebellion that remains relevant today as a timeless exploration of the dawning of youth.
Material to Prepare:
Prepare a contemporary dramatic monologue and an acapella song or hymn of your choice. You may opt to accompany yourself. Keep total materials under 3 minutes. If you play an instrument, please submit a video when completing the online audition form. Online video submissions are due by midnight on Sunday, February 23.
Time Commitment:
Rehearsals at the Greenhouse Theater Center:
March 16th - April 17
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Sunday: 1:00pm-5:00pm
April 19th - April 23rd
Saturday, Sunday: 9am-9pm
Monday, Wednesday: 6:30pm-10:30pm
Performances at the Greenhouse Theater Center:
April 24th - May 11th
Thursday-Saturday at 8:00 PM
Sundays at 2:30 PM
Character Type/Restrictions:
Wendla - A passionate yet naive girl who is awakened to the harsh realities of the world. This role involves violent situations, simulated sexual acts, and a stylized depiction of sexual assault.
Melchior - A rebellious boy with big ideas. His knowledge of religion, sex, and society is only outmatched by his ignorance of potential consequences. This role involves violent situations, simulated sexual acts, and a stylized depiction of sexual assault.
Mortiz - Melchior’s best friend and classmate who is traumatized by his recent awakenings and the pressure put on him by adults in his life. This role involves a simulated depiction of suicide.
Hänschen & others - A confident schoolmate. This role involves simulated masturbation and moments of intimacy.
Ernst & others - A timid schoolmate. Also portrays Desdemona. This role involves moments of intimacy and nudity.
Otto & others - A schoolmate.
Georg & others - A schoolmate. Also plays Frau Gabor.
Rupert & others - A schoolmate.
Thea & others - A young woman. Also plays Ilse.
Martha & others - A young woman. Also plays Herr Gabor.
To apply for this job email your details to lazysusantheatreco@gmail.com